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Tag: side hustle

Parenting Power Moves: 12 Steps to Raise Awesome Kids

So, picture this: You’re on a wild and exciting rollercoaster called parenthood. It’s a thrilling ride full of ups and downs, twists and turns, but one thing’s for sure – you want to do everything in your power to raise happy, healthy, and well-rounded kids. Well, my friend, you’ve come to the right place! Buckle up and get ready for a journey through the 12 essential steps to follow when raising your amazing little humans.

How to start your small business even when you are broke.

How to start your small business even when you are broke.

So you are contemplating starting a small business or a side hustle to supplement your finances and you want to start a small budget business.

Or you really have an idea, a small business idea that you want to pursue. You think this particular idea might be something and you really want to give it a try.

Side hustles for introverts

If you happen to be more introverted but are still looking for ways to bring in some extra cash, fear not. There are many gigs out there suitable for those who like their time alone. Gig economy apps, for example, like Uber or Doordash, “are very well suited for that because you don’t have a real boss,” says side hustle expert Kevin Ha. “You’re doing things on your own.”


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