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Habits that boost Happiness

Be positive

Being positive even when you don’t feel like will always have a positive impact on your life. It all means that you don’t allow the negative side of life to affect you. Being positive all means that your experiences will also turn out to me positive as well, it all depends on the mindset.

Make time for yourself.

This practice is called selfcare for a reason. Dedicate this time all to yourself to do what really makes you happy, things that make you recharge your batteries. It could be reading, music, dancing or whatever it is that make you feel real good.

Express gratitude frequently.

When you express gratitude freely, you attract more of the things that will make you to express more gratitude. Gratitude shows that you are happy with what you a having and more will follow suit  for you to be more happy. Don’t underestimate the power of gratitude.

Build relationship.

Build relationships with like minded and positive people. Your network is your networth. Peolple that encourage and inspire you should be your close allies. Seek them out and build a mutual relationship with them.

“On the path to successful action, we must fail- possibly many times, and that’s okay”

Appreciate the little things.

This goes hand in hand with expressing gratitude especially for the little things. The thing here is that the little things are not that little, infact the things we view as little are the most important things in our life. Things like the air we breath, sunshine, family, love ones and the people in our lives, most times we tend to ignore these things in search of bigger things like money, cars, mansion etc. These little things are truly the most important things in our lives, be grateful and appreciate them.

“Being trapped is just a position not a fate, you get out of it by eliminating and addressing every part of that position through small and deliberate actions”

Think win – win

Find a way for all to win, this means eliminating any form of competition in our dealings with people. Competition is the thief of joy, so always look for a win – win situation for all.

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